77 results for "cubiks hire"

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  1. Simuleringer


  2. Suksessfull screening: Hvordan håndtere store volumer og engasjere kandidater

    ... og redusere kostnaden. For eksempel kan vår Cubiks Hire screening-løsning kombinere en evaluering av arbeidsstil med evnetester ...

  3. Assessmentsenter & Utviklingssenter

    Assessment & Development Centres

  4. Assessmentsenter & Utviklingssenter

    Assessment & Development Centres

  5. Shopping for talent: Retail HR trends

    ... will make huge savings, as you reduce recruitment costs, hire better staff and retain them longer. Although less tangible, there are ...

  6. Attracting and engaging early talent: Where to start?

    Attracting and engaging early talent: Where to start?

  7. How to balance efficiency and quality in retail recruitment

    ... including: Up to £1m cost saving per year Time to hire reduced by up to 50% Success at interview increased Significant ...

  8. The Achilles heel of People Analytics: Trust

    ... results I have witnessed myself are: improved quality of hire due to powerful algorithms, increased retention due to crystal clear ...

  9. Finding future talent: Are your assessments missing the mark?

    ... need a top notch selection process to ensure that those they hire really fit the organisation. Too often, selection processes and criteria ...

  10. 2018 Talent assessment trends: Recruiters want something better

    ... skills to develop through talent management. They help you hire the right person, for the right job, at the right time. They make the ...